The Karnataka Board will Announced the second Pre University Course results on the date of May 5, 2010. The Gazetets will be distribute according to availability in the different collage on May 6, 2010. The Pre University Course is also known as PUC. The course is spread over the period of two years which is carried out by the education boards of the state of India.
This is the news that specially for the candidates who want to take the admissions in the universities are required to clear such course for higher education. For that students must have gained the good marks in in the tenth class are the basis to the access this course. PUC also called as The Intermediate Course or The Pre Degree Course.
For get the admissions in this The Karnataka board conducts the examination for admissions in universities. The Board only allows in the stream of education such as Arts, Commerce and Science. Students who want to Professional studies in karnataka they are required to clear the exam in the field of science and commerce. So, results will be declared by all sets of time on many websites names as,
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