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Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Anna University has declared the results of B.E/B.Tech 2009 (8th Sem,6th Sem,4th Sem,2nd Sem)
Anna University is one of the best South Indian University. Anna University offers many degree and diploma courses likes (B.E/B.Tech and others). Few month ago Anna University took the examination of various course likes (B.E/B.Tech - EC,IC/IT/CE) of all the semester (1st sem,2nd sem,3rd sem,4th sem,5th sem,6th sem, 7th sem,8th sem). Now Anna University has declared the results of B.E/B.Tech 2009 (8th Sem,6th Sem,4th Sem,2nd Sem). Student can find their Anna University Results 2010
Bangalore University BBM VI Sem, BBA VI Sem Results 2009-2010 | Bangalore University BBM results 2009
Bangalore University BBM VI Sem, BBA VI Sem Results 2009-2010
Bangalore University BBM VI Sem, BBA VI Sem Results 2009-2010 has been released check the website for more updates on Exam results
Sri Venkateswara University(SVU) MPHIL (Revised Results) - April, 2009 Results
Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati was established in 1954, in the world famous temple town of Tirupati on the sprawling campus of 1000 acres with a panoramic and pleasant hill view. This University stands as a testimony to the wisdom and foresight of great visionaries Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu, the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and Late Sri Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy, to cater to the educational needs and aspirations of the people of Rayalaseema area. With a great wisdom, the founder of this University have rightly coined the motto “Wisdom lies in proper perspective” for it. The University has grown excellently from strength to strength over the past fifty-two years, as a premier institute of higher learning under the able and committed leaderships of successive Vice-Chancellors starting from Prof. S. Govindarajulu to the present Vice-Chancellor Prof. N. Prabhakar Rao. It has gone through greater strides in the transformation of the University with acquiring necessary and modern sophisticated instrumentation to catch up with the world competition in academic and research programmes.
Check Sri Venkateswara University(SVU) MPHIL (Revised Results) - April, 2009 Results from the official website of SV University
Bangalore University BCA 2nd and 4th Semester Results
Bangalore University located in the Garden City of Bangalore aptly hailed as the “IT capital of India” was established in July 1964 as an offshoot of the University of Mysore, primarily to include institutions of Higher learning located in the metropolitan city of Bangalore and the districts of rural Bangalore, Kolar. Initially, the two premier colleges of the city, the Central College(CC) and the University Vivesvaraya College of Engineering formed the nucleus of the Bangalore University. Soon after the establishment of the Bangalore University, as a first step in the reorganization of courses of instructions, the University introduced Honours courses in the year 1965-66.
Bangalore University(BU) BSC 5th Semester Results | Bangalore University BSC 5th sem results 2009-2010
Bangalore University located in the Garden City of Bangalore aptly hailed as the “IT capital of India” was established in July 1964 as an offshoot of the University of Mysore, primarily to include institutions of Higher learning located in the metropolitan city of Bangalore and the districts of rural Bangalore, Kolar. Initially, the two premier colleges of the city, the Central College(CC) and the University Vivesvaraya College of Engineering formed the nucleus of the Bangalore University. Soon after the establishment of the Bangalore University, as a first step in the reorganization of courses of instructions, the University introduced Honours courses in the year 1965-66.
JNTU Kakinada IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/ Supplementary(R05), Nov' 2009
JNTU Kakinada IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/ Supplementary(R05), Nov' 2009
JNTU Kakinada IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/ Supplementary(R05), Nov' 2009 has been released check the website for the results
HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 and Date Sheet-March 2010 Plus Two (Class 12) Examination 2010
HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 and Date Sheet-March 2010 Plus Two (Class 12) Examination 2010
HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 and Date Sheet-March 2010 Plus Two (Class 12) Examination 2010 has been released.Check the website for more updates on the Examination regarding Results and previous papers of the Examination.
HP Board Timetables Plus One (Class 11) Examination 2010 Date Sheet | HP Board Plus one Timetable 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 Plus One (Class 11) Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 Plus One (Class 11) Examination 2010 has been released.Check the Websites for More Updates on HP Board results and practice question papers
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Matriculation (Class 10) Practical Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Matriculation (Class 10) Practical Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Matriculation (Class 10) Practical Examination 2010 has been released.Check the websites for more updates regarding the time table and practice papers
Matriculation (Class 10) Practical Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Matriculation (Class 10) Practical Examination 2010 has been released.Check the websites for more updates regarding the time table and practice papers
Matriculation (Class 10) Practical Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Examination Timetables 2010 Matriculation (Class 10) Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Examination Timetables 2010 Matriculation (Class 10) Examination 2010
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education Examination Timetables 2010 Matriculation (Class 10) Examination 2010 Timetable has been released.Check the Website for the Timetable
Middle (Class 8) Examination 2010 (Old and New Syllabus)
HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 and Date Sheet-March 2010 Middle Matric
HP Board Examination Timetables 2010 and Date Sheet-March 2010 Middle Matric has been Released visit the official website of HP Board for the Timetable
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