Railway Recruitment Board, Mumbai is liable for staffing of Technical and non-technical personnels as well as employees in Para Medical categories in Group.’C’ posts for Mumbai Division & Head Quarters of Western Railway, and Mumbai, Nagpur, Solapur, Pune, Bhusawal Division and HQ of Central Railway, Nanded Division of South Central Railway and Nagpur Division of South East Central Railway. Group C jobs consist of the posts of Assistant Station Master, Teachers, Clerk, Lab technicians, Pharmacist, Junior Engineers, Guards, hospital nurse etc.
To know about the new job openings in RRB Mumbai , job aspirants should be in touch with the national and regional news papers, Employment News and also visit the official website of RRB Mumbai. In fact, now-a-days the requirement of employee has increased significantly in the railways, so the notifications for different designations are regularly published in the news papers as well as the official website of RRB Mumbai.
Job applicants are advised to see the notifications on the daily basis, as there are many cases of cheating in railway jobs; there are cheats who try to misguide the job aspirants by making fake promises of jobs guarantee in railways. So be cautious and better follow the news papers and official website. The official web address of Railway Recruitment Board Mumbai is given below
Main Website
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For latest Job Notifications you must go to the following link:
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