Application procedure: A candidate can submit application either on-line through internet or off-line through prescribed (OMR) application form.
(a) On-line: For on-line submission of applications, visit any of the websites given below and carefully follow the instructions given therein. The students can pay the application fee through credit and debit cards of major banks or through challan of selected banks. The reduced examination fee for on-line mode is Rs. 450/- for SC/ST/PD/female candidates and Rs. 900/- for all other candidates.
(b) Off-line: A candidate can buy an application form with Information Brochure from any one of the designated branches of banks by paying Rs. 500/- for SC/ST/PD/Female candidates (light green envelope) or Rs. 1000/- for all other candidates (light blue envelope). This includes the examination fees. The information brochure contains details regarding application procedure, syllabus of JEE, examination centres, and courses available at various institutions, counseling, fee structure and other relevant information about JEE-2010
(c) Help-line (only in IIT Madras zone): Those who do not have access to computers and internet can also apply on-line with reduced examination fees by visiting any of the forty approved ‘CMC help-line’ centres distributed all over the IIT Madras zone. For details visit JEE website or contact CMC office tele – 044-22504500
All India list of designated branches of banks for purchase of application material is also given in websites of all IITs.
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Monday, March 1, 2010
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