Integrated Common Entrance Test for admission into 1st year MBA/MCA Degree, ICET notification 2010 Course In terms of orders issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the proceedings by A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad. Do you advice for ICET notification 2010
Integrated Common Entrance Test, ICET-2010
Osmania University, Hyderabad will conduct the Integrated Common Entrance Test, ICET 2010 on behalf of APSCHE. ICET is conducted for admission into MBA/MCA courses of 13 Universities in Andhra Pradesh and their affiliated colleges. These universities are- Andhra University, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Adi Kavi Nannaya University, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, JNT University, Kakatiya University, Nalgonda University, Osmania University, S.K. University, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Vishwa Vidyalayam, S.V. University, Telangana University and Yogi Vemana University. Qualifying Marks in ICET - 2010 is 25 % and no minimum marks are prescribed for SC/ST candidates.
One can obtain the application form of the Integrates Common Entrance Test, ICET 2010 in person on payment of Rs.250/ from all the Head Post Offices in A.P., all the Post offices located in the Campus and also from the e-seva centers in Andhra Pradesh. However one can also apply online with a payment of Rs. 250/ through D.D. drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favour of Secretary, APSCHE (Andhra Pradesh State Council for Higher Education), Hyderabad, payable at Hyderabad.
Submissions of Application Forms ICET 2010
Duly filled application forms must reach the Convener, ICET 2010, Besides University Computer center, University College of Engineering Campus, Omania University, Hyderabad-500 007 on or before the due date which is scheduled to be in the first week of March 2010. However one can also submit application forms with a payment of Rs. 500/ as late fine through D.D drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favor of 'The Secretary APSCHE' payable at Hyderabad, till a stipulated date in the mid March 2010, which will be notified later.
One can also submit the forms online but candidates need to send the duly filled downloaded application forms along with a DD of Rs. 250/ drawn in favor of The Secretary APSCHE' payable at Hyderabad and passport size photographs of the candidates to The Convener ICET 2010.
Eligibility criteria for appearing in ICET 2010
A candidate seeking admission to the MBA course should be a graduate from a recognized university. Candidates need to have Mathematics as a subject at the 10+2 level. Candidates who are seeking admission into MCA course should have Mathematics at both the 10+2 level and also at the graduation level.
The candidates seeking admission into MCA course should have passed Bachelor's Degree Examination of not less than 3 years duration in any discipline with Mathematics at 10+2 level (OR) should have passed Bachelor's Degree Examination of not less than 3 years duration in any discipline with Mathematics as one of the subjects.
However candidates who are appearing at the final year degree exam are also eligible to apply in ICET 2010. The Indian Nationals should satisfy local/non-local status requirements laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission) order, 1974 as amended up to date.(As per G.O.Ms No.25 dated 19-3-2004 and G.O.Ms No 108, Higher Education Department dated 30-07-2005 and its amendment). Foreign nationals should satisfy the rules of the Universities concerned.
Schedule of ICET 2010
Date of Issuing of Forms: 4th week of February to 4th week of March, 2010
Last date of submission of Application Form: 4th week of March, 2010 (With late fees: Mid of April, 2010)
Date of ICET 2010: Second week of May, 2010
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