It is a new question raised in EAMCET students about how to participate in EAMCET 2009 Counseling. Yes, it is the time to know the online EAMCET 2009 web counseling. This year onwards, EAMCET counseling will be web based online councelling. A bit of care has to be taken, otherwise student may loose thier chances. At the same time, if you have thorough knowledge about web counseling, you can be more benificial. This year onwards, there won’t be any personal counseling.
EAMCET officials will check the certificates, after issuing the final ranks of EAMCET 2009. Then they will send the password to the selected students (those who are eligible to EAMCET 2009 counseling). Because of passwords, others can not change your options. STudents will be having a time period to submit their desicions. Till that time, they can change their options as they wish. Once it is locked, you can’t change that. Students can have 2900 options in 482 Engineering colleges and in 18 branches. But the main demand is there among Civil, Computer Science, IT, Mechanical, ECE and EEE. In pharmacy 252 colleges are there. Among these, 12 colleges started 6 years integrated course of pharm-D. For pharm-D seperate option will be there. Some colleges are providing Fees Viper. This option also available on those colleges details. AICT is adding new seats. These seats fees are doublle. Students can select these seats also. After 4 days of completion of Web counseling EAMCET 2009, they will announce the Admissions list. STUDENTS HAS TO TAKE THE PRINT THEIR OPTIONS BEFORE LOCKING. This may help students, if they get new option in admission list, which is not selected by student.
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