BSNL India Ltd recuitment of JTO (Junior Telecom Officer) Exam Results, selected list officially. Candidates are eagerly waiting for the BSNL JTO exam 2009 results. BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.) is going to announce the JTO result on ________.. (updated soon.) JTO Exam result 2009. JTO written exam conducted by BSNL indi ltd. on Jun-21-2009. JTO exam 2009 recruitment to recruit about 3945 [subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies] Junior Telecom. JTO 2009 Results links: will be updated soon. BSNL JTO Results - Status: will be announced.
Until now, EAMCET Counselling is just manual counselling.But from this academic year it has become Web based counselling.Many are not aware on how to face this type of counselling as this is new to us.So,I`m providing you people with a detailed step by step procedure on how to face this Web based counselling.Follow these steps carefully and make your work easier.
Every Candidate attending for Certificate Verification at Help – line Center is requested
to follow the stages as indicated below:
Stage – 1 Candidate Registration for Certificate Verification:
* Wait for the announcement from authorities of Help Line Centers
for Registration.
* After announcement, hand over the rank card to officer at entrance.
* Wait for your turn in the registration hall.
* When your rank is called pay registration–cum–counseling fee and
obtain receipt.
* Collect the Registration-Cum-Verification form from computer operator at Registration counter.
* Enter details i.e. hall ticket number, rank etc. in the Register and append you signature.
* Your registration is completed. Go back and wait in the registration hall for announcement.
* After announcement by the officer at Registration counter, report at Verification counter for certificate verification.
Stage – 2 Verification of Certificates:
* Verify the details printed on Registration-Cum-Verification form for name, local area, sex, category, date of birth etc. for correctness.
* If there is any mistake, report to verification officer for correction.
* If you belong to SC/ST/BC Category, report to Caste Verification officer and submit the original Caste Certificate for verification officer and clearance. After Caste verification report to one of the Certificate verification officers to get other certificates like Rank Card, Hall ticket, Marks memo, Study certificate, income certificate etc. for verification.
* If you belong to OC Category, directly report to Certificate verification officer.
* The officer will verify all the original certificates given by you.
* A print out of Receipts of certificates will be given to you and if you find any discrepancy report to the Chief Verification Officer for correction. Append your signature.
* Proceed to the Briefing Hall to take instructions on exercising options.
Stage – 3 Instructions on Exercising Options:
* Exercising options means you have to select Colleges and courses you wish to join and arrange them in the order of priority.
* Collect List of College and their codes, courses offered and course codes, Manual option form and specimen option form and retain with you.
* The Officer in Briefing Room will explain the procedure of exercising options and filling of Blank option form.
Stage – 4 Preparatory work to be made by you at home for exercising
* Consult your parents/friends on the selection of courses and Colleges you wish to join.
* Take the manual option form and write option number, College code and course code you wish to join. For example, if you wish to join in JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad under option number, you will write 1, under College code write JNTH, under course Write second option, write 2 under option number, Hyd under district code and JNTH under College code and write MECH under course code i.e. If the vacancy is not available in CSE Branch, MEC will be considered for allotment of seats. In the similar fashion, write down any number of options.
* Once your list in the manual option form is ready, take the Specimen option form and enter the option numbers against Collge codes and course codes you have selected and fill the entire specimen option form. This filled in specimen option form shall have to be handed over to the operator to fill the option entry form on the computer screen. Do not forget to take the filled in manual
option form and filled in Specimen option on a computer.Procedure to be followed for exercising options on Internet:
* You can exercise the options from home or from any internet café or from any Help Line Center with the help of filled in manual option form and filled in specimen option form already available with you.
Note: For entering the options on the computer screen make use of either
filled in manual option form or a specimen option form. If you are confident to enter the option numbers directly from the manual option form, enter the option numbers directly in the input boxes or with the help of Specimen Option form you can enter option numbers on the screen. Remember that the filled in specimen
option form is the exact replica of option entry form displayed on the screen. If you are unable to enter the option numbers, request the computer operator to enter the options numbers on the screen by handling over filled in manual option form or specimen option form.
* Save the option numbers entered on the screen periodically and inform the computer operator also about this incase operator is entering the options.
Steps to be followed for entering the options on screen:
* You must have already completed certificate verification.
* Please enter URL or Websites address: or as indicated in the notification.
* The home page contains the information regarding Web Counseling, "Candidates Registration" for web counseling and "Candidates Login" for exercising options.
* Before selecting the "Candidates Login" for exercising the options, you have to complete the candidate Registration.
* Through “Candidates Registration” process, generate the password required for exercising options.
* Click on ‘Candidate Registration’ and enter the following details.Application No. EAMCET H.T No. Rank Date of Birth and click on "Generate password".
* In the "Enter password" box enter the "password" (having a minimum of 6 characters length with at least one alphabet) and re enter the same at "Re-enter password" box. Click on "Save" to save the password and click on "Log out" to complete the registration and return to home page.
Exercising Options:
* “Candidate Login” is provided for exercising the options.
* Enter the details "ICR No., Hall Ticket No., password and Date of Birth" and click on "Sign In"
* Read the instructions carefully. Read the Declaration and click on Check Box to confirm the same and then click on "option Entry Form" or "Help Screen". Click on "Help Screen" will display the screen providing explanation about different Menu items.
* Read the explanation about various menu items, and then click the button "Click here to Enter Options", it displays the screen with various districts along with check boxes the same will also be displayed if you click on "Option Entry form" in the last screen:
Colleges in those districts along with Statewide Institutions or "Check all" to display all the Colleges in the State including statewide Institutions.
* Click on "Display Option Entry form" displays the screen for exercising the options.
* In the screen three year courses (Engineering and Non-Engineering are displayed in Creamy Yellow Colour and three and half year courses in grey Color.
* By looking at already filled Specimen Option form, enter the option numbers in the spaces on the Screen.
* You are advised not to start entering options directly on the web without preparatory work at home, as you may commit mistakes.
* While filling the option form ‘Click on Save Options’ at regular intervals. After Completion of Option entry Click on "Logout" it displays an alert message with three buttons "Save and Logout". "Confirm Logout" and Cancel Logout.
* Click on "Cancel Logout" retains the Options entry Click on "Save & Logout" button will save the options exercised up to that point of time and display the details of the options exercised. Click on "Confirm Logout" button will directly display the details of the options exercised.
* After verification of the options exercised by him, for modifying the options, the candidate has to click on Login for Option Entry.
* You are informed that, you can add, modify or delete the options any number of times within in stipulated time. The options recorded in the server on the last day will be frozen. If you wish change the frozen options once again approach any one of help line centers on any one of the date mentioned to modify your frozen options. This is the final opportunity and after this no further change can be done. The options recorded in the server on the last
day will be taken for allotment of seats. You can take a printout of the options exercised.
Stage – 6 Final Allotment of Seats:
* The allotments will be processed on the date mentioned in the notification based on merit and category and will be placed in the web.You have to down – load the allotment order. This is final allotment and request for change will not be entertained.
Stage – 7 Payments of Fees:
* Download the Challan form for payment of fee or collect it from helpline centre. With downloaded allotment order you have to remit the fees in one of the branches of Andhra Bank or Indian Bank in the State and obtain a receipt. However in respect of SC/ST/BC/PH/Minority a candidate whose parental income is up to one lakh per annum, payment of Tuition fee and Special fee is
Stage – 8 Reporting at College:
* With download allotment order fee receipt etc., you have to report at the respective Colleges in which seat is allotted within the dates mentioned by the authorities. If you fail to report on or before the date stipulated by the authority the allotment made in favour of you will be treated as cancelled and you will have no claim further on the allotment.
It is a new question raised in EAMCET students about how to participate in EAMCET 2009 Counseling. Yes, it is the time to know the online EAMCET 2009 web counseling. This year onwards, EAMCET counseling will be web based online councelling. A bit of care has to be taken, otherwise student may loose thier chances. At the same time, if you have thorough knowledge about web counseling, you can be more benificial. This year onwards, there won’t be any personal counseling.
EAMCET officials will check the certificates, after issuing the final ranks of EAMCET 2009. Then they will send the password to the selected students (those who are eligible to EAMCET 2009 counseling). Because of passwords, others can not change your options. STudents will be having a time period to submit their desicions. Till that time, they can change their options as they wish. Once it is locked, you can’t change that. Students can have 2900 options in 482 Engineering colleges and in 18 branches. But the main demand is there among Civil, Computer Science, IT, Mechanical, ECE and EEE. In pharmacy 252 colleges are there. Among these, 12 colleges started 6 years integrated course of pharm-D. For pharm-D seperate option will be there. Some colleges are providing Fees Viper. This option also available on those colleges details. AICT is adding new seats. These seats fees are doublle. Students can select these seats also. After 4 days of completion of Web counseling EAMCET 2009, they will announce the Admissions list. STUDENTS HAS TO TAKE THE PRINT THEIR OPTIONS BEFORE LOCKING. This may help students, if they get new option in admission list, which is not selected by student.
Results of HNBGU-Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garwal University BA III Yr (Regular) Exam Result 2009 has been released.Candidates can check the results online from the below link
Madurai kamaraj University MA(GANDHIAN THOUGHT),MA(HINDI) T.N Candidates For April09 Results has been declared candidates can check the results from the given link below
Recruitment of Management Executives in Middle Management Grade Scale - II (500 Posts)
Vacancies : SC-75, ST-37, OBC-135, Gen-253, Total - 500. 8 vacancies for OH category & 7 vacancies for VH category candidates are reserved horizontally. Vacancies including reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the requirements of the Bank.
Eligibility Criteria : as on 01.08.2009
(A) Educational Qualifications:
i) Post Graduate Degree / Diploma in Business Administration
, Business Management, Finance, Marketing, International Business,Operations management, Systems, HR
ii) M.Com. or
iii) M.A. / M.Sc. in Economics or M.A. / M.Sc. in Statistics or
iv) C.A. / CWA / CFA / CS (Company Secretary)
Pay Scale :
Selected candidates will be on probation for a period of one year. They will draw a starting basic pay of Rs. 13,820/- in the scale of Rs. 13820-500-14320-560/10-19920
Stipend: The selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year on a consolidated stipend of Rs.20,800/- On successful completion of the tning period they will be appointed as Engineer (contract) for 3years . On successful completion of Contract appointment ,absorbed as Technical Officer in the in the pay scale of Rs16400-40,500/- Application Fee: Candidates applying for the above post are required to forward a crossed Demand Draft of Rs100/- (SC/ST/OBC/PH etc candidates are exempted ) in favour of ECIL payable at Hyderabad How to apply Candidates fulfilling the requirements may apply only in the prescribed application form available on the website furnishing full details of name of Centre ,name ,date of birth ,whether SC/ST/OBC etc.. fully supported with documentary proof ,a recent passport size photograph and DD/Bankers check to the Deputy General Manager (Recruitment ) ECIL, ECIL (po), Hyderabad-560062. Last Date of receipt of application is 31-07-2009
PECET - 2009 Under the aegis of APSCHE, Hyderabad
Conducted by
For Admission into B.P.Ed & U.G.P.Ed Courses
In accordance with the orders of the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad (In terms of G.O.Ms No.164 Education (SE) Department, dated 17.11.2004.) the Acharya Nagarjuna University is conducting Physical Education Common Entrance Test (PECET -2009) for Admission into B.P.Ed & U.G.D.P.Ed courses into the Affiliated colleges and Universities duly approved by Government of Andhra Pradesh and National Council for Teacher Education for the academic year 2009-2010.
B.P.Ed :
Candidates should have passed Three year degree examination recognized by any University in A.P. or any other University recognized as equivalent thereto.
The candidates, who are appearing for final degree examinations of 2009.
The candidates should have completed by 19 years of age on 01.07.2009.
U.G.D.P.Ed :
Candidates must have passed Intermediate or equivalent course recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The candidates who are appearing for final Inter examination of 2009.
The candidates should have completed 16 years of age on 01.07.2009.
The qualified Diploma Holders/B.Sc., graduates of Muslim / Christian Minority in ECET-2009 are informed to attend the Counselling as per schedule given below at Sanketika Vidya Bhavan, Masabtank, Hyderabad for admission based on merit in the Minority colleges opted for SW-I with all Original Certificates like : 1. Diploma /B.Sc. Marks Memo as the case may be. 2. Study Certificate, 3. Minority Certificate as mentioned in G.O.Ms No.1 4. Income Certificate if applicable.
Fee Details :
Registration Fee – Rs.200/-
Counseling Fee – Rs.500/-
Tuition Fee – Rs.30,200/-
Minority Category
Rank called
9.00 am
10.00 am
9.00 am
1.00 pm
9.00 am
1.00 pm
9.00 am
1.00 pm
*Integrated ranks will be considered.
MM – Muslim Minority, CM – Christian Minority.